Angel's Popup Boutique

About Us

Inspiring and motivating Women through fashion and beauty is my passion. I’ve been in the fashion and beauty industry for over 20 years and I love it! After owning a home-party business and several boutiques, I must say my favorite was my home-party business. It allowed me to set my own schedule while taking care of my family which included four children and earning a substantial income. I also provided opportunities for other Women to do the same. Most of my consultants were single moms and this was a fun and entertaining way for them to earn income. The connections I made, opportunities, friendships and being able to inspire so many Women and so much more are simply priceless and valuable to me. These were the best times in my career. 

Providing opportunities for Women to have a career, earn substantial income and entrepreneurship is another one of my passions that is dear to my heart. 

I created Angel’s Pop-Up Boutique Parties to Keep my passions of inspiring Women through fashion and beauty and providing entrepreneurship opportunities alive and a reality. 

I believe when a Women feels and looks her best, she can concur her dreams, aspirations, insecurities no matter what her size is and make so many memorable and successful memories. Simply put the right ensemble can make you feel like a million bucks!!!!

Peace and Love to you,

Angel Basha

CEO and Founder

"Inspiring women through fashion and beauty"

I have been a mom since I was 18 years of age and what I found is that I feel my best when I look my best. Often, mothers and women put themselves last, while losing their self in the process. On the days that I put on my face and best outfit my true self comes back to surface.    

I now find the purpose and pleasure in helping women rediscover themselves through fashion. This career choice of becoming a Fashion Consultant has made me my own boss. Now I am making my own schedule, calling my own shots, and I am fully available to my five daughters whenever they need me. This opportunity has also provided me with the income to become financially independent.

The most rewarding part of having my own business is having a team behind me that I mentor and guide. Having a team behind me also helps to push me towards my goals because they inspire me as well.  

While visiting our website or attending one of our parties I want you to get inspired, consider being your own boss and remember you are beautiful, smart and strong.

With much love,

Danielle Alexander

Co-founder and Executive Manager